Sermon & Messages

Christmas and Synodality

May the joy of the incarnation be with you all!

As we enter into the season of advent to prepare ourselves for the celebration of the feast of nativity, I am deeply moved to explore the profound connection between the incarnation of Christ and the principle of synodality. Christmas, a time of spiritual significance for many, marks the extraordinary moment when the divine became human and the eternal Word was made flesh. Synodality, the principle of walking together in dialogue and collaboration, mirrors the divine journey undertaken in the incarnation of Christ. Christmas, the celebration of this sacred embodiment, serves as a poignant reminder that God chose to become one with us, bridging the gap between the divine and the human.

The incarnation, the embodiment of the divine in human form, is a testament to the ultimate act of synodality, the coming together of the divine and the human in perfect unity. In the humility of a stable in Bethlehem, we witness the convergence of the heavenly and earthly realms. This divine synod, where God takes on the frailty of human existence, speaks volumes about the power of unity and shared purpose. Synodality, in essence, is about journeying together, collectively discerning the path forward. The incarnation, likewise, invites us to recognize the sacredness of every human journey, for in the birth of Christ, we find a God intimately acquainted with the human experience.

Moreover, the life of Christ exemplifies the principles of synodality. His ministry was marked by inclusivity, dialogue, and a deep respect for the dignity of each person. Whether at the wedding feast in Cana or in the humble conversations with outcasts, Jesus demonstrated the beauty of walking together in love and understanding. As we celebrate the birth of Christ this Christmas, let us embrace the synodality embedded in this sacred event. Let us be inspired to foster unity, to engage in meaningful dialogue, and to recognize the divine in each person we encounter. In a world that often yearns for harmony and understanding, the incarnation serves as a timeless example of the transformative power of synodality.

May this Christmas be a reminder that, just as Christ entered the world to walk among us, we are called to walk together in unity, compassion, and love. In the spirit of synodality, let us strive to build bridges, seek common ground, and journey together towards a world infused with the peace and goodwill that the Christmas story so beautifully embodies. Christ’s life exemplified the principles of synodality, embracing all, engaging in dialogue, and demonstrating a profound respect for the inherent worth of each individual.

In a world often marked by division and discord, the message of synodality and incarnation is a beacon of hope. It beckons us to bridge divides, foster understanding, and recognize the divine spark in every person we encounter. This message is not confined to a historical event but resonates as an eternal call to walk together in love and compassion. The celebration of this synodal incarnation gives us a clarion call for each and everyone of us to journey/walk with others, leaving behind the man-made barriers, especially with those who find themselves at the periphery and margin whose voice is never heard in the Church. As Christ descended into our reality to give us life in fullness, every Christian, who celebrates this nativity of the synodal nature, has the moral obligation to walk together and give life to those in need. This synodality is not an optional possibility but an urgent and immediate necessity. Creating avenues where the powerless gain confidence and realize their proactive role both in ecclesial structures and societal avenues will be one way of enabling the synodal life.

In this season of joy and reflection, let us embrace the spirit of synodality, recognizing the beauty in our shared journey as one global community. As we celebrate the incarnation of hope and love through the birth of Christ, let the guiding principles of synodality inspire us to walk together, respecting diverse perspectives, and fostering unity in our shared humanity. May the message of Christmas, embodied in the humble arrival of the Christ Child, remind us of the profound interconnectedness that binds us all, inviting us to collectively work towards a world filled with compassion, understanding, and peace. As we celebrate the joyous season of Christmas, let us carry the spirit of unity and divine connection into our lives, fostering a world where the principles of synodality and the transformative power of the incarnation guide our collective steps.

Wishing you a joyous season filled with profound insights, shared reflections, and a deep sense of interconnectedness! May the peace the nativity of Jesus brought reign in the hearts of men and women!

Yours devotedly in Our Lord,
Bishop Dr. S.Antonysamy
+ Most.Rev. Dr. S. Antonysamy
Bishop of Palayamkottai