About Parish
In order to enable the Catholics to live their Catholic faith emphatically amidst the other religious people, the Parish of Thirunelveli town was newly and canonically erected in the year 2005 which was a substation of Pettai Parish. It has seven substations with chapels and three substations without chapels. The car procession of St. Adaikalamatha which was started in the year 2008 for the annual feast is very famous even among the Hindus. The Catholic diocese of Palayamkottai is running two primary schools, one in Karuppandurai village from year 1941 and another in Abishekapatty from year 1922. As this town can be considered to be the heart of the district as many schools, colleges, shopping complexes, a big market felicitates it for any business transactions and for any other dealings, people from various part of the District gather and mingle here. Catholics belong to different caste and color live together. 3. Names of the Religious Congregations:- 1. Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph (FSJ)-Thirunelveli Town. 2. Presentation Convent-Karuvanallur 4. Educational Institutions:- 4:a. Educational Institutions run by the Diocese:- 1. R.C. Primary school-Abishekapatty. 2. R.C. Primary school-Karuppandurai. 4:b. Educational Institutions run by the Religious Institutions:- 1. St. Adaikalamatha Matriculation School runs by the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph in Thirunelveli Town.

Rev. Fr. Jeeva A
Parish PriestAdikalamatha
Church NameAdikalamatha Church
Established On2005
Assistant Parish Priest-
Succession of the Priests
Run by RC Diocese Of Palayamkottai (D), Abishekapatti
R.C. Primary School (School)
Run by RC Diocese Of Palayamkottai (D), Karuppandurai
Adaikkalamatha Matriculation School (School)
Run by Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph (FSJ), Town
Sacred Heart Home for the Aged and Clinic (Home)
Run by Franciscan Sisters of Presentation of Mary (FSPM), Karuvanallur