About Parish
Christianity in Uthumalai is recent origin, i.e. the Latin part of the 19th century. Fr. Joseph Ignacy S.J, parish priest of Sendamaram sowed the Christian faith. People were attracted to Christianity by his exemplary way of life. He plunged himself with great zeal joy and enthusiasm in missionary work. One fine day almost 50 families of Marava embraced Christianity. Following these families many other also joined with then do 1892 Fr. Joseph Ignacy SJ, after long preparation on sacraments baptized 225 members. Fr. Joseph Ignacy put up a small thatched shed named after patron of John the Evangelist almost 10 years, people were using this as chapel. When the faithful increased in number and fervor day by day, the father felt to need of constructing a big church. In 1903, a new church was built up 329 christian members generously contributed Rs. 1,000 for this purpose. The presbytery and the school were put up near the church. In 1938 Fr. S. Irudayam became the parish priest of Sendamaram. During his period, people of Uthumalai grew stronger in faith. By his efforts, Uthumalai was carved out of Sendamaram in the year 1946. It was economically erected, as parish on 1.10.1946 by Most Rev. Archbishop Peter Leonard SJ and Fr. A.S. Durairaj became its first parish priest. This parish comprised of a major part of Alangulam panjayat union and small portion of keelapavoor union. Many thatched chapels were constructed social works were carried out during his time. The Jesuit parish priests like Rev. Frs. J. Arulanandam SJ, J. Kuruvila SJ, John Meempillaikavil SJ, and Masillamani SJ have labored hard to improve the life of the catholic and non Catholics of this parish. When Fr. T. A. Soosai was parish priest, people were well brought up in catholic faith he constructed two chapels one in Reddiarpatti and another in Duraisamipuram. The successors also were successful in the administration of the Parish Fr. Soosai Manickam S.J., Fr. F. Joachim, Fr. S. Jeyabalan, Fr. A. Joseph Raj, Fr. Amirtha Raja Sundar, Fr. Aloysius Durai Raj, Fr. Vianney Raj, & Fr. R.J.L. Antony Rai were parish priests in Uthumalai. Though the village of this parish was rural and remote areas, the parish can feel proud for having esteemed educational Institution up to 8th standard. The Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculae Heart of Mary who put their food in their soil on 25th April 1975 are giving their helping hands for the over all development of the parish. Many of the big substations like Vadiyur. Mariathaipuram, and VK Puthur were separated from this parish and added to the parish of Surandai from its inception on 07.06.1994. Some of the other big substations like Nettur, Kavalakkurichi, kidarakkaulam, Reddiyarpatti etc. were separated from this parish. When Nettur was formed in to a separate parish. With substations fallen as the parish priests on 26th June 2002. Hence at present Uthumalai is a smaller parish than it was earlier. The catholic community at Uthumalai still remains a most backward one both educationally and economically.

Rev. Fr. Arul Maria Nathan J
Parish PriestSt. John the evangelist
Church NameSt. John's Church
Established On01.10.1946
Assistant Parish Priest-
Succession of the Priests
Run by RC Diocese Of Palayamkottai (D), Uthumalai
R.C. Primary School (School)
Run by RC Diocese Of Palayamkottai (D), Melakalangal