About Shrine

A small Church dedicated to Infant Jesus was blessed and innagurated in Shanthinagar on 29th June 1985. At that time, only a very few catholic families were living in there are attached to the parish of St. Xavier’s Cathedral. But their faith, and dedicated service made known the presence to Infant Jesus to the world. Thus people from different parts of Palayamkottai and from other places, irrespective of caste and creed, fatherd around the small church in the services and Encharistic celebrations on Thursdays and Sundays. As this area was fast growing, the number of catholic families are increased steadily. Taking into consideration of the spiritual needs of the faithful, the most Rev. Dr. S. Iruthayaraj, first Bishop of Palayamkottai, made Shanthinagar a separate parish on 15th May 1990.
Rev. Fr. Lourdu Stephen was appointed the first parish priest. During this time, a foundation stone was laid on 29th June 1990 for the new church. Rev. Fr. P. Gnanapragasam who took over the charge of parish priest in June 1991, completed the construction of the new church, and had it blessed and connected on 28th June 1992. During this of eight years, he carried out many activities to improve the Shrine and the participation of the faithful in the litingical. Besides, he bought with existence many structures in the church campus: parish hall dioces an Jubilee memorical stage. Then Rev. Fr. Joachim succed him a parish priest on 31st May 1999. After the completion of his term of office, Rev. Fr. S. Antonysamy took charge as parish priest on 22nd May 2004
The parish is more active with the selfless and devoted service of the members of he parish council and that of the pious association. On Thursdays, after the moring man, the blessed is kept for the till 5.30p.m. When the novena to Infant Jesus is conducted, followed by solemn celebration. Throughout the day people come and spend their time in the presence of the Lord. People’s petitions and ‘hanks giving’ put in the box show that whoever comes to Infant Jesus goes with inner peace and satisfaction, outraining what then desire.

Rev. Fr. Lawrence SSJ
RectorChild Jesus
Church NameInfant Jesus Shrine
Feast On14th January
Assistant Parish Priest-