Holy Childhood Day

This year the Celebration of Holy Childhood Day is marked for Sunday 9th February 2014. The Holy Childhood Association (HCA) of India, has requested all Dioceses to help children become ‘Little Missionaries’, through relevant activities. We are aware that all of you, deeply committed to the integral formation of children will take personal interest to make this Celebration of the Day meaningful and effective. Started in France in 1843 with a humble but noble beginning by Bishop Charles de Forbin Janson, the Holy Childhood Association is spread throughout the World in 150 countries, with its headquarters in the Vatican as part of the Pontifical Mission Societies, under the patronage of the Holy Father. There are about 115 National Directors, hundreds of Regional and Diocesan Directors and thousands of Animators working untiringly to instill missionary zeal among children. Millions of children are involved with this Association either as active members or as benefactors or as beneficiaries of many projects. The Holy Childhood Association in India, having its National Office in Bangalore assists hundreds of orphanages, education Institutes and various missionary activities among children.Jesus said “Allow the little children to come to me, for the Kingdom of God belongs to them.” (Mt. 19.13-15) This perception will develop in depth and width as we help children in their holistic growth. We elders, specially the parents and educators must inspire children to live the truth and share it with others.