Synond on synodality: Communion, Participation and Mission

Consultation of the Synodal questionnaire in the vicariate level recollection

All the questions in the ten themes were discussed in all the vicariates on 10th February. Thanks to all the fathers, the vicar foreigns and the secretaries for taking the notes of the discussion. The synodality places at its center the fact of walking together with Christ and listening to the Holy Spirit. This spiritual dimension is therefore truly an essential dimension of synodality that we must continue to explore.

Consultation of the Synodal questionnaire in the Anbiams

Synod questionnaire was discussed in all the Anbiams of all the parishes in a very vibrant manner. The need for Parish Council, Parish finance committee, revitalizing the Anbiams, Sunday Catechism for children, adult and all, need for training the faithful to take Catechism classes etc where the issues repeatedly came up in the discussion. Thanks to the Parish Priests, Parish contact persons, Anbia coordinators, secretaries and all.

For Contact, Fr. D. Xavier