April 6, Day of Prayer for the General Elections.

India, our nation is on the threshold of a General Election to Parliament. It is stated to be the largest exercise of franchise in the world to elect in a democratic manner the leaders who would guide the destiny of our country for the next five years. 

CBCI wishes to propose Sunday, 6th April, 2014, as a day of intense prayer for the peaceful conduct of the general elections and for the divine assistance for all the citizens of India so that we may elect the best persons who will stand for the moral values and principles in public life; uphold the democratic and secular character of our great nation and selflessly work for the peace and prosperity of all the people of India. On Sunday, 6th April, 2014, special prayers may be included in the Holy Mass and wherever possible, Holy Hour may be conducted in our Churches, Chapels and Oratories and pray intensely for the intentions mentioned above. We are confident that our ardent prayers will be heard by the Lord Almighty and He will inspire the hearts and illumine the minds of our people to choose the right people to lead our nation in the right path. May God bless our dear land, India!